Ladies & Gentlemen,
Below are the results from this year's tournament. My apologies for the chaos on Friday and my thanks for your patience in both getting started in the morning and allowing me space and time to complete the scoring. I am currently in the process of ascertaining if the course is going to come up with some way to make amends for the problems encountered on Friday, or if I am going to look for another venue in the future. I will keep you posted as to when and where the 2018 tournament will be held. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. I would like to take this time to acknowledge Tony DeBiase for all of his hard work keeping the paramutualrunning smoothly. Without him, there would not be any paramutual, which is a large part of this tournament.
Wednesday Gross Skins: ($76)
Barrett, Alvarez, Fontyn, M. O’Neal, Votruba, Balfour
Wednesday Net Skins:($80)
Barrett, McClure, Short, M. O’Neal, Votruba, Hooper
Thursday Gross Skins
“A” Flight: ($210) Stratton, Heitman, Woodward
“B” Flight: ($54) Haffner, Petroski, M. Ryan, J. Brooks, Frye, Mayeda, Boyer
Thursday Net Skins
“A” Flight: ($105) R. Phillips, Slocombe, Stratton, Heitman, Armand, Woodward
“B” Flight: ($58) Haffner, Petroski, M. Ryan, J. Brooks, Frye, Mayeda, Boyer
Thursday Closest to the Pin: ($135 Gift Certificate) J. Hanson, Russell, Powell, Fontyn
Thursday Partners’ Blind Draw
1st Heitman/M. Ryan ($200) 2nd Cadena/Pelletier ($175) 3rd Fontyn/Rozzi ($150) 4th K. Phillips/Alvarez ($125) 5th Stratton/Pett ($100) 6th Slocombe/A. Moore ($80) 7th Spelman/Violin ($70) 8th Birnbaum/Freeth ($60) 9th J. Hanson/Abbott ($50) 10th Brown/Wachter ($40) 11th through 24th paid ($25 per team member)
Thursday Low Gross: 1st Powell (73-$75) 2nd A. Moore (73-$50) 3rd Holzer (77-$25) 4th Cromwell (77-$25)
Thursday Low Net: 1st Abbott (65-$75) 2nd Spelman (67-$50) 3rd Frye (68-$25) 4th Brown (68-$25)
Friday Gross Skins:
“A” Flight: ($126) Redford, Estrada(2), Cromwell, Woodward
“B” Flight: ($54) Myers(2), Vigil, Haffner, Guzman, Zardenetta, McNamara
Friday Net Skins:
“A” Flight: ($126) Cromwell, Estrada, Garcia, Grall, Woodward
“B” Flight: ($58) Myers(2), Vigil, Haffner, Guzman, Zardenetta, McNamara
Friday Closest to the Pin: ($135 Gift Certificate) Redford, Barrett, Hamilton, Lombardo
Friday Orange Ball
1st ($200) Milalzo/Bowdach/Frye/K. Phillips (116) 2nd ($175) Stratton/V. Sua/Zardenetta/Celesnik (122)
3rd ($150) Woodward/Orozco/DeBiase/Guzman (124) 4th ($125) Barrios/Grall/Birnbaum/Selmo (124)
5th ($100) Hatfield/Banda/Brown/Boyer (125) 6th ($80) Redford/Lindsey/M. Ryan/Kirk (126)
7th ($70) Slocombe/Heitman/Myers/Vigil (127) 8th ($60) Fontyn/Pelletier/Armand/McNamara (127)
9th ($50) Powell/Preciado/Molloy/Cadena (128) 10th ($40) Holzer/Brentlinger/Wachter/Spelman (130) 11ththrough 20th paid ($25 per team member)
Friday Low Gross: 1st A. Moore (72-$75) 2nd Cromwell (75-$50) 3rd Alvarez (76-$25) 4th Pelletier (77-$25)
Friday Low Net: 1st Pelletier (64-$75) 2nd Guzman (65-$50) 3rd Estrada (68-$25) 4th Garcia (68-$25)
Two Day Low Gross: 1st A. Moore (145-$75) 2nd Cromwell (152-$50) 3rd Powell (152-$25) 4th Alvarez (156-$25)
Two Day Low Net: 1st Pelletier (135-$75) 2nd Spelman (136-$50) 3rd Guzman (137-$25) 4th Brown (138-$25)
Two Day High Gross: Foss (261-$50)
The Paramutual paid $95 per $5 bet, with a pool of $4,120. Between Prize money, Skins, Closest to the Pins and the Paramutual, total payouts this year reached another all-time high of $19,044. The big winner was Steve Frye ($1,122) with Joe Woodward second ($837). We had 107 players, with 99 cashing some kind of ticket! Thank you all again for your participation. It is your love of the game and camaraderie that make this tournament such a success! I look forward to next year and will let you know the dates soon.
All the best, T-REX